Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Returning is as easy as 1-2-3...

Just checked if they still list my non-existing classes on Zumba website. Yes, they still are there. Can I delete them? The answer is still “nope”.

I’m logging in. (Yes I still can do it, I guess till the end of June.) That’s what I see:

Dear Instructor,

We are sorry that you have decided to cancel your membership and we miss you! We would love for you to come back as we have added new features and benefits. Remember, you have 1 year from your date of cancellation to rejoin ZIN™. To avoid losing your Zumba license when you Training expires, be sure to re-join.

Returning is as easy as 1-2-3...

Step 1: pay a $175.00 reinstatement fee

Step 2: rejoin ZIN and come back to the party

Step 3: take an easy, 45 minutes online refresher
Easy-peasy. Wait a minute. Not that I wanted to rejoin. But it’s the first time I read about the reinstatement fee. It definitely was not mentioned in that parting email from Zumba when I cancelled my membership:
Zumba Fitness is sad to see you leave ZIN. Remember that you can reactivate your membership instantly within the next 12 months – or anytime after that by taking another Basic Training.

So, dear ex-colleagues, if you think of taking a break, keep this in mind.