My, the new Zumba website is a mess.
I told them I quit. They know that too. Yet my official profile still lists my classes as if nothing happened. I know, I should have removed them myself last week, but I forgot. Let’s do it now.
I’m logging in. That’s what I see:
Dear Instructor,
We are sorry that you have decided to cancel your membership and we miss you! We would love for you to come back as we have added new features and benefits. Remember, you have 1 year from your date of cancellation to rejoin ZIN™. To avoid losing your Zumba license when you Training expires, be sure to re-join.
To re-join ZIN™, just click on the link below.
No, I really just came here to remove my classes.
What? It doesn’t look like I have the ability to do it. Let’s check what My Announcements say.
We have good news!
As you know, your license to teach has now expired.
So what is the good news?
You can reinstate your license by taking another Basic 1 Instructor Training course, or simply by re-joining ZIN. You are now within your grace period to re-join ZIN and avoid starting over the complete Zumba instructor process.
To re-join ZIN using a credit/debit card just Click Here.
If you do not have a credit/debit card, please contact us and we will be glad to help you.
OK, that was not helpful.
Writing a letter to Support. Whoever created that interface, should be banned from web design forever.
Last month, I cancelled my ZIN membership. Therefore, starting July 1st, I do not expect any classes to be listed on my profile. I do not want people to get misleading information. However, when I go to my website, I still can see the classes listed. When I log in to my Zumba account, I seem not to be able to edit the "classes" section any longer, so there is no way for me to remove them from the web. How can I do that?
Best regards,
This morning, I got the response. I keep the spelling intact.
Dear Kirill,
Thank you for contacting Zumba Fitness. We are sorry that you left our ZIN family.
We are happy to assist you. Unfortunately you neither us cannot make changes to your website from our systems ones you cancel your ZIN membership. Please have in mind, that your name does not appear anymore under "Find an instructor", so it will be more difficult for people to enter your website. We apologize for any inconvenience this may be causing.
If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to contact us.
Yes I have one more question. Have you heard of search engines?
Anyway, it seems that the only way to correct it is to re-join ZIN, which I have no intention to do yet.
On my good days, I tend to think that humankind is not intrinsically evil. Just dumb.