In the unlikely event that you are following this blog, you could have noticed that I am not a big fan of Zumba-ing double acts. Now imagine how happy I was receiving ZIN 41 and watching another live class. With another double act. Mind you, in some respects it’s very different from Tanya and Gina, Lindsey and Kass, or Zumbatwinz for that matter. Most importantly, Betsy Dopico totally out-dances her co-presenter Ricardo Marmitte. One-on-one class with Donna Giffen is all right. I quite like her way of building up the routine, it is just that the music, once again, fails to inspire.
No bhangra, flamenco or samba. Doesn’t matter, I gave up on the music from ZIN long time ago. But... as funny as it sounds, my favourite choreo on the DVD is the one for Now That We Found Love, a cover of the most ridiculous cover I ever heard.
Song List
- Mueve ese Eskeleto — Electro Merengue — by Fulanito ☙
- Pretenciosa — Salsa ◊
- Me Gustan Todas — Techno Cumbia * ☙
- Pose — Reggaeton * ☙
- Now That We Found Love — Disco Rap *
- Mereketengue — Pasito Duranguense ◊
- Bem Vindos — Funk ◊
- Taca Taca — Merengue / Calypso *
- Como un Angel — Reggaeton Pop — by Zulayka ☙
◊ Zumba Fitness originals
☙ Spicy Lyrics